Thursday, September 27, 2012

Blanche & Lucy spend the day in downtown Newburyport

Blanche & Lucy started the day with a visit to our favorite local vet for their yearly check-up.  Dr Zelman at Newbury Animal Hospital has taken care of Blanche since she was a little puppy.
Downtown Newburyport is lots of fun because all the stores let Blanche and Lucy in and most have dog bowls of water right outside the shops.  A fun place to visit is Oldie's (big red barn in background) which has tons of antiques.

The town Farmer's Market is always a favorite for us because there is so many wonderful booths of fresh flowers, veggies, art and more.

This is Liz - she creates the most beautiful jewlery ....
Here is a sample of one of her beautiful creations.

This is Blanche & Lucy's favorite booth - Quinn bakes their favorite cookies and we have to pick up a bag a week from her.

Arrowhead Farm always carries my favorite cherry tomatoes 
As well as yummy Heirloom tomatoes

so of course we bought some of these.

If you have little ones to buy for - one lady creates great cooler weather hats and scarves for little ones.
Our Farmer's Market even sells fresh Lobster and fish .

One Vendor with the slogan "Changing the world one bead at the time -  sold beautiful jewelry with beads that were created by women from various countries who were trying to better their lives.

I got an interesting necklace made with beads of wood, and woven paper from Africa and Thailand.

Lots of Vendors at the market made clothing for children - this one had beautiful hand made little dresses and bonnets.

And there was an abundance of fresh flowers from the area farms

These are some of the tomatoes waiting for BLT sandwiches.
After the Farmer's Market we strolled downtown to the many cute shops.

Lots of the shops carry ocean or seacoast 'themes' on their gifts which is pretty tempting for me.
And there are an abundance of these Vintage Boutiques....
which carry lots of sweet memories in the gifts they have for sale.

We had a bite to eat at "Not Your Average Joe's" restaurant with an outdoor patio which allows dogs to sit on the outside of the little fenced in area.

Blanche and Lucy stop for a Photo-opp in front of the Maritime Museum.
There are many beautiful white steepled churches in town -here one peeks out through the trees.

Blanche & Lucy stop for a rest on the park bench by the waterfront with Cheryl and auntie Cindy.

As we rested on the bench we watched the boats come in and out of their slips

Well it's officially fall here in Newburyport now....

all the trees are beginning to show their colors.

The Maples are the first to turn -

Soon the leaves will be on the ground.
Cheryl & I take one final photo with the girls in downtown Newburyport.
And we say goodnight to the waterfront as we walk back to our little rental.

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