Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Samples of Photo Jobs I did while in N.E.

One of the jobs I did was tutor a former student - Dave - on how to photograph horses in the riding barns with a large backdrop and with continuous light - no flash (so as not to spook horses).... sorry we used Dave's camera so no horse photo - just the set-up.
The first photo job was for my friend Debbie to photograph her son James for his graduation from College.

James graduated from BC with honors.

And now he was heading off to Germany to teach English as a second language to 10th graders there.

Debbie is a proud mom.

The next shoot I did was for my nephew Peter (on right) and his wife Stacey (on left) and his little family - as well as with his mom Connie and Frank.

Pete's kids - Peyton and Evan were really good during the shoot along the river walk in Newburyport.
We ended the shoot on the wharf in Downtown Newburyport.
Another Senior school photo I did was for Marina (a former model of mine)

Marina is the easiest subject.

Every shot was a beauty.
She changed her outfits a couple of times so we changed locations (that's me giving her directions while the fishermen enjoy the view.
Marina needs so little direction, that it's a fun shoot.

Here Marina's mom is holding down the ladder I am on while shooting.

Course, I needed the ladder to get this vantage point.

After another change of clothes - we got great shots with the setting sun.

The following week we had a second shoot with Marina - this one was for her Ballet instructors when she goes to Dance school in Connetticut.
Part of the time I was shooting it was cloudy and part of the time it was bright sun - liked the shade better - for even light.
We were going for the dichotomy of the softness and innocence of the ballerina and the harshness and loneliness of the rundown deserted house.

The lighting was a challenge - but the texture was better with the harsh light.

If you want to see more of Marina's photos check out the proof site at www.PhotographybyPearl.Smugmug.com

Marina changed dance outfits and then we went to one of the oldest cemetarys in Newburyport - with off camera light for drama.

I desaturated most of the color from these to give the photos a little 'Twilight' feeling to them.

This is one of my favorites - you may have to double click on it to really appreciate it - her expression an the detail from the old gravestones is great

1 comment:

  1. Hi Pearl
    love all of the photo portraiture work you did but especially was taken with the cemetery ones with the juxtaposition of the ballerina and grave markers ... life and death ...what a punch!
    Also ones of Marina at the beach fabulous ..... very good model and in some we see you at work ... hard to believe U R not passionate about the work ....
